Nigeria’s rapid population Growth: Implications for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

Total individual of the same organism in a particular geographical location is said to be population of that place. Nigeria with more than 160 million persons within 923,768km2 established in 2006 population census, with her huge population yet the country is enriched with variety of life forms and natural pattern at genetic, species and ecosystem level. This biodiversity and ecosystem services are influenced directly and indirectly by her population growth. Environment is an aggregate of all external condition and influences that affect life, development of organism and all other things in the habitat. A continuum system in which living organism interact with physical and non-physical component of the habitat in which it exists. Ecosystem provides services that vary in how human benefits from them as a result of his influence in the functioning natural environment. The prevention of erosion, landscape protection, soil and water conservation, water-shed protection, waste management services, supporting, provisioning and regulating services provided by ecosystem cannot be totally quantified and over emphasized. In the sense of meeting the continuous increase in the population requirements in term of needs and comfort there is need for horizontal expansion for construction of buildings and industries, through these gazette areas are encroached into. A number of standing trees with intertwined canopies which prevents direct droppings of rain water to the soil allowing the soil to retain its compactness property has been felled. Animal, industrial and municipal wastes navigate their way into the water bodies and jeopardize the peace of the water inhabitants.
The number of living organism that a can sustainably withstand for indefinite food, habitat, water, and other available necessities in the environment is often referred to as carrying capacity. Every spatial location has it carrying capacity. Population boom of the nation requires a lot of space which can only be met through development, industrialization, urbanization. These three phenomena provide population with comfort and state of the luxuries but require geographical location for their establishment and operations. Habitat alteration is a direct negative impact on biodiversity as a result of meeting the needs of the population. Lagos mahogany (Khaya ivorensis), Obeche (Triplochiton scleroxylon), Iroko (Melica excelsa), Iron wood (Lophora alata) to mention few and other first class timber species of trees are critically endangered because of continuous demand for planks in constructions, office furniture, interior decors, books and other tree sourced stationeries, trees fell might had once served as roosting site for African grey parrot (Psittacus eritacus) or Red eye dove (streptopelia semitoquata) nestling place. Trees hollow nesters and other dependents and inhabitants becomes refuge in their belonged territories.
Homogenization of species is observable impact of population, reduction in species richness; especially endemic species are seriously affected and results in loss of gene pool. The variety of those animals and plants that used to be within are no more available, only few are constantly seen and found in all areas. The Grey headed sparrow (Passer griseus) can be found in Ibadan, Anambra, Imo, Calabar, Lagos, Abuja, Jigawa, Kano and all other major cities as opposed the unique species such as Ibadan malimbe (Malimbus ibadensis) that are found in remote areas of Ibadan, Anambra Waxbill (Estrilda poliopareial) found in anambra villages and other diverse and special species that can also be found in remote area of other cities. Species naturally migrate and relocate their range to another place with no or less anthropogenic influences. Anthropogenic activities which include bush burning, land clearing, dredging greatly affects bottlenecks and stopover sites of migratory animals. Only the species with genetic diversity and strong adaptive features can cope and will be wildly distributed. Monoculture of introduced species of trees such as Teak (Tectona grandis) for timber had shifted the attention of specialist from taking care of the like of mandrill tree (Pterocapus erinacius) and other critically endangered indigenous tree species. Exotic species cultured to meet demand of consumers replaces native species because of their invasive and alleloparthic properties. Exotics species demanded for electric poles and furniture had destroyed organisms’ abode when the thriving indigenous tree species had being eliminated. Exotics species does not support our biodiversity because indigenous animals neither eat their fruit nor other part of the tree.
Food is essential and very necessary, as a felt need living organism particularly animals travel far in search of food and expend energy both in the search and during the process of consumption. With huge population existing farmlands cannot meet the people’s food demand, there is a need for expansion of land for more cultivation and rearing of livestock for production of more crops and animal proteins. Farmers start from spraying herbicides on grasses, colorfully fashion designed by nature butterflies that can even help in pollination of flowering plants will be displaced and also naturally architecture anthills and termitaria were demolished, earthworm burrows where the soil is naturally aerated and humus that help proper germination is produced will definitely be destroyed. Everybody wants to make profit in time farmers apply inorganic fertilizers to aid huge harvest. This will have deleterious effect on the environment because the concentration might not be tolerable for animals and it will affect a number of crawling juveniles. Indigenous and probably rear covered grasses and legumes that prevents erosion had been eliminated by indiscriminate grazing by herds of Fulani-cattle raised as an alternative protein source as meat and milk. Not all crops can be consumed immediately after harvest, many will undergo processes such as baking, cooking and smoking, many trees and shrubs are victim of firewood for carrying such processes.
Solid waste and effluent from factories and household heads to water bodies causing eutrophication. Runoff and septic tank leachate from inadequate waste disposal system, infiltration from animal feedlots, overflows of combined storm, untreated sewage and sanitary sewers and accumulation of remains of unutilized fertilizer applied to farm crops also lead to this unfavorable situation. Body of water become over enriched with minerals and nutrients that induce excessive growth of plants and algae, causes change in structural ecosystem such as depletion of fish species, general deterioration of water quality and other effects that decreases perceived aesthetic value of water body. The recognized water pollution problem includes depletion of dissolved biological oxygen affecting biological oxygen demand of water organisms, decrease in water transparency (increase in turbidity). Algae boom which covers water surface and limit the sunlight penetration to bottom dwelling organisms. An insecticide used by households to prevent insects contains harmful substance such as DDT (Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane). This DDT persist organic pollutant that is readily absorbed to soil and sediments, which can act as both as sinks and as long-term sources of exposure affecting organisms. Routes of loss and degradation include runoff, vitalization, photolysis, aerobic and anaerobic biodegradation. It breaks down products of ecosystem provisioning services.
Indiscriminate solid waste disposal into a river in Ibadan in the early 60’s when Nigerian population was less than 45million made the colonial masters to describe a river in Ibadan as “Too dirty” which the people of Ibadan called “Kudeti” because the people found it hard to pronounce “Too dirty then”. The statement made by the colonial masters automatically named the area because the name of the area around the river and the river itself still bears Kudeti till date. The population which is more than times four of that time now pose more treat to the ecosystem and biodiversity.  Lack of appropriate solid waste recycling and disposal systems includes shift dump shifting, crude dumping and open burning pose detrimental effect to public health and impair environment at large. If you see the number of plastic bags dumped within the street of Mafoluku, Oshodi-Lagos state, what of the plastic water bottles dumped in the market at Kano, the volume of plastic and its derivatives discarded on the floor after it had been used for packaging goods at Aba and Onitsha market you will know that cutting the tree beside the road on which Village weaver bird (Ploceus cuculatus) leave in the name of expanding drainage that had caused erosion due to its blockage with the culprit called plastic.
As I have called plastic a culprit, yes it is. Nigeria’s is not an exception in the problems caused by plastic around the world today. Accumulation of plastic products in the environment adversely affects wildlife, wildlife habitat and human. plastics are in expensive and durable, and as result levels of plastic use by Nigerians are high. The population increase depicts increased plastics use. Plastic pollution inflicts land, waterways and river because they are not properly disposed. Living organisms, particularly marine animals are harmed by both mechanical effect, such as entanglement in plastic objects or problems related to ingestion of plastic waste, or through exposure to chemicals that interfere with their physiology. The toxin that are component of plastic include diethyhexyl phthalate, which is a toxic carcinogen, as well as lead, cadmium, and mercury which are heavy metals which has a long-term effect of biodiversity. Plankton, fish and aquatic birds through the food chain, ingest these highly toxic heavy carcinogens and chemicals. Consuming the fish that contain these toxins can cause an increase in immune disorder of organisms and birth defects.
Apart from the animal related implications of people plastic waste grass also suffer when wastes are being thrown on then, the leaves in which transpiration occurs is covered, flower covered with nylon cannot be cross pollinated, increasing chance of inbreeding. A lot of organism is under threat as result because genetically inbred plant or animal cannot favor cope with change environment.
Waste processing service and water reservation of wetlands had been hijacked. Human population has both direct and indirect impact on wetlands. Sand filling of waterlogged places for example in Lagos lagoon alters hydrological cycle. Human influences have caused significant changes in the function and quality of many wetlands. These changes had quality resulted from alteration of physical, chemical, and biological components of wetlands which in turn affect plant transpiration and relative humidity of the environment.
Urban unrest, hustling and buzzing of the city, smokes from chimney of factories power plants radiation from communication devices and other sophisticated machines on the long run influences the ecosystem negatively. Environmental pollution leads to global warming and climate change, the change in an average weather conditions or variation of weather condition within the long-term. Inconsistency in the statistical distribution of weather pattern overtime has being affecting nature based services such as carbon sequestration, climate regulation and air purification. How do we get the waste detoxification and detoxification through biological remediation by living biodiversity such as bacteria, fungi, earthworms and other detritivores when the nature that supports adequate functioning of these organisms had been altered by increasing population requirements? Weather determines population and availability of plant and animal as well as seasons in which the flowering plants fruit, and when animal breeds. Inconsistency in weather condition as result of climate change which had been caused from continuous negative influence on the trees and some other environmental regulators. Water pools are drying, crocodiles are migrating while the weaker ones such as the aged ones and juveniles will die. Hippos and other water inhabitants also flee and more importantly the breeding process which ensure their continuity in existence will be affected by when the rain that naturally refills the pool is too much or too low. Spawning sites of fishes are destroyed when community people travel kilometers to get water in far water lodges when that used to be readily available is no more in its usual natural reservoirs.
Change in the distribution of leisure time, globalization of economy and increase in demand for travel are the trends of tourism by population which requires transportation for their actualization. Different modes of transport exist, from land, water to air transport system. The population size implies higher demand for transportation. All transportation modes have implication on the ecosystem. Though airport construct claim expanse of land, the negative effect that it caused is beyond alteration of habitat, birds and other wildlife related activities are prevented around airport environment denying them of roaming and foraging, this results in organism displacement. Flash from head lamps of vehicles and light of street light on roads does not allow nocturnal animals feel that it high time they started their activities. water and its content is disturbed by ships and boats traffics.
Statistical figures of Nigeria’s population growth top the ranking table like the best football team. Implications of population are never biodiversity friendly. Cultural, supporting, waste regulating and processing services are the basic ecosystem services enjoyed from biodiversity, and they are seriously affected by unconscious attitude of people to nature. Erosion and flood is a certain result of rain as a result of improper refuse disposal. Migration of species to other ecosystem due to habitat alteration and scarcity of food. The destruction caused on biodiversity by development, urbanization and industrialization is continuously increasing. Homogenization of species, deforestation and desertification sets in through cutting of trees to meet furniture, stationaries and art carvings demand. Grasses that produce percentage of available oxygen were eaten up by cattle. Food production, storage and processing used land and apply chemicals which affects surrounding animals. Construction of roads, schools housing estates, power plants and infrastructure for the citizens takes the supposed green areas. All the above mentioned points have direct and indirect impacts both on variety of organism and favor of ecosystem as a result population of growth. Environmental impact assessment is necessary and it should be well carried out before steps are being taken to developments. Afforestation should be encouraged particularly for indigenous, for they are the only species that support biodiversity because indigenous animals feeds on their bark, flower, fruit and leaves and as well nest on them. They also possess little or no allelopathic property that is they tolerate growth of indigenous plants around them. All these will bring back our displaced wildlife treasures and ameliorate problem of problems put forth by population.


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