NSEC celebrates world environment day


Pollution has enormous human cost.
Particulate matter in the air we breathe, organic pollutant and heavy metal in our food supply and drinking water - all these pollutant cut short millions of lives including plant and animal every year

We dump our water-waste  into lakes and rivers, killing wildlife and contaminating our own drinking supplies, we dump millions of tons of plastic into our oceans and around threatening our wildlife and fragile marine habitat

Pollutants everywhere like stew
....waste negatively impact air, soil and fresh water as well as our oceans and the coast
Turtles are dying, whales are wailing, sharks are sparking, Coral reef  are disappearing

If it cant be reduced, reused, repaired, rebuilt, refurbished, refinished, resold, recycled or composted then it should be removed from production--Pete Seeger

Be prepared as;
The Nigerian society for environmental conservation- NSEC is joining the world in celebrating the world environment day

Theme: Beat air pollution on 5th of june, 2019.

▶ Social media environment crusade

▶Launch of our national project
Don't drop-Don't burn it: Pick it if you come across it"

▶ outreach to individuals such as road side vulcanizers who burns old tyres, people who burn plastic/bushes and refuse

Kindly, join in the quest to combat air pollution

 _NSEC....................................Conserving nature Saving lives_

The National Public Relation Officer
Veronica Abimbola ODELOLA


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