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Climate Change 😧​🌑️​

  Climate Change Climate  is  defined  as  t he average weather condition, characterized by long-term  statistics  (mean values, variances, and probabilities of extreme values)  of  typically  three decades , for the meteorological elements in a given are a . Climate change is described as the change in the climate of an area as a result of anthropogenic and natural disorders such as the depletion of the ozone layer   and the greenhouse effect. Changes in climatic conditions of an area affects species and ecosystem composition  function  directly   ( changes  in temperature, precipitation ,  water temperature, and sea level s ) and indirectly (changes in the intensity and frequency of wildfires) which has a great effect on the biodiversity of such  an  area.  Climate change is not one-sided . Both  terrestrial and marine ecosystems are vulnerable to climate changes . Species have shown modification in their morphology, physiology, and behavior due to changes in climatic variables. Huma

πŸ‡³πŸ‡¬Nigeria Climate : An overview

CLIMATE IMPACT IN NIGERIA C limate is the long-term pattern of weather in a particular area. Weather can change hourly, daily, monthly, and yearly. A region's weather pattern usually tracked for at least 30 years  is considered  its  climate. Source: Semantic scholar Nigeria is characterised by three distinct climate zones which are :  a tropical monsoon climate in the  south, a  tropical  s avanna climate for most of the central regions ,  and a sahelian hot and semi arid climate in the north of the country. This leads to a gradient of declining precipitation amounts from South to North. The tropical monsoon climate is   intermediate between the tropical rainforest climate and tropical  savanna  climate. The tropical monsoon climate has a very small temperature range. The temperature ranges are almost constant throughout the year . F or instance,   Warri ,  which is in the southern part of Nigeria records a maximum of 28°C(82.4°F) for it's hottest month ,  while it's lowes

Living for others: A rule of Nature

​ Living for others: A rule of  Nature by  By Ayodele Precious Ayowale Plants  take in Carbon-dioxide[CO 2 ] to manufacture food and give off Oxygen[O 2 ] as a by product through the process called Photosynthesis.  Animals  take in Oxygen[ O 2 ] to break down food and give off Carbon-dioxide[ CO 2 ] as a by product through the process called Respiration. Micro-organisms play a vital role in decomposition of Organic materials. All these are natural processes. T h e existence of life predominantly depends on the   radiation, carbon dioxide level, ambient temperature,   evaporative power of the atmosphere, solar and  water  availability ,  and inorganic nutrients .   All these are  a part of   nature   and its processes . “The existence of life  is greatly  affected by human-induced and natural factors” N atural catastrophes   ( v olcanic eruption, hurricanes, etc.)  are also another significant part of nature. Biodiversity loss  ( e xtinction of Browser in grassland through hunting might

Nature 🌺🌻🌲🐾🌊🌎🌱

​ NATURE πŸŒ³πŸŒŠπŸ’§ written by Ojo Dorcas Oluwayemisi It  is  a  valuable gift to mankind A  source of  beauty  through its  diverse  elements ,  each performing  its  role in maki ng  the  Earth  a better place for  us A place where v ast   organisms   communicate  and interact with the physical  world and the  other  life within.  E.g.  birds, trees, animals, plants,  human, landscapes, mountains, rivers,  sun ,  and  the  moon showcasing  its  own beauty consistently  A life supporter , a  balance to our ecosystem : regulating and changing  periodically  to create a serene  and suitable atmosphere  for mankind.   A peaceful  environment consisting of  flowers of different colours . G reen trees  blowing cool breeze that  eases  man of stress and makes the soul  relax.  Creatures of different  kinds  seen flying and  creeping, birds of different  origins  with  s weet  melodies   adding to the beauty of nature ,  showing and proving the essence of  life.  It is a beauty that is  alive, m