Robert Mugabe is Late

Zimbabwe's longtime president Robert Mugabe has died. He was 95. Mugabe's death was announced by the office of Zimbabwe's president.

Robert Mugabe
Source: swait news

Robert Gabriel Mugabe was a Zimbabwean revolutionary and politician who served as Prime Minister of Zimbabwe from 1980 to 1987 and then as President from 1987 to 2017

The start of a new era
When Robert Mugabe took the oath of office in April 1980, there were high hopes for Africa's newest nation. He was hailed as a pragmatic African leader.
Representing Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles echoed a feeling shared around the globe when he said, "Today is a moment of immense historic significance, a rare occasion in lives of nations, where a new and greater beginning is possible, which we must not allow to fail."
Robert Gabriel Mugabe was born in 1924 in Zvimba, southwest of the capital (which was then called Salisbury, and is now Harare).
Educated by Jesuit priests, he became a teacher before joining the liberation struggle. Mugabe, the intellectual — with his many academic degrees — was considered the political leader and the brains behind the guerrilla war, and was imprisoned for 11 years.
Mugabe preached a message of harmony and promised to pursue a policy of inclusion for all Zimbabweans. In 1980, he said, "The phase we are entering, the phase of independence should be regarded as a phase conferring upon all of us — the people of Zimbabwe — whether we are black or white — full sovereignty, full democratic rights."
From optimism to violence
Fast-forward 20 years and the flowering of an opposition movement. Mugabe tasted defeat for the first time in 2000, in a referendum on constitutional reform. The situation soured.
That same year, he encouraged the often violent seizure of thousands of flourishing, white-owned industrial farms. Gone was Zimbabwe's reputation as the breadbasket of southern Africa.
Mugabe blamed the nation's woes on the British and Zimbabwe's white farmers, who openly supported the new opposition Movement for Democratic Change, the MDC party.
"The MDC opposition, formed at the behest of Britain in 1999, is now on an evil crusade of dividing our people on political lines," Mugabe said at the time, "as they continue to fan and sponsor heinous acts of political violence, targeting innocent citizens


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